Modern Learners in a Digital World Pt 1 – Custom Curriculums and Learning Approaches in Med Ed and Beyond (EP:21) 

Modern Learners in a Digital World – Custom Curriculums and Learning Approaches in Med Ed and Beyond (EP:22) 
With  Angela Robbins. Ph.D. 

Our relationship with information is constantly evolving. Expectations and learners’ skills shift as technology changes and how we access content changes.  Dr. Angela Robbins joins Stacy Craft to talk about the new education landscape that has emerged with cultural changes, post-pandemic adjustments, and the desire for a personalized curriculum and how to design around learner-driven “hidden” or custom curriculums.

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Additional Resources:


Co-creating Rubrics with Students


Personalized Medicine in Undergraduate Medical Education: a Spiral Learning Model. Med Sci Educ. 2020 Aug 26;30(4):1741-1744. doi: 10.1007/s40670-020-01066-0. PMID: 34457840; PMCID: PMC8368415.

What is hidden in hidden curriculum? a qualitative study in medicine. Yazdani S, Andarvazh MR, Afshar L. J Med Ethics Hist Med. 2020 May 10;13:4. doi: 10.18502/jmehm.v13i4.2843. PMID: 33088431; PMCID: PMC7569532.

Using Student-Generated Questions to Promote Deeper Thinking – Youki Terada